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Just Not Myself

So I clearly haven't been consistent with these... and I've been trying to be kind to myself, while I don't feel like myself.

I was so so inspired (not surprising) by Jazzmyne Rain's post titled, "Can I get a re-do?" Click below to read it and all her posts! The part that stuck out to me was:

"Are you growing? Do you spend as much time working on your business(es)/goals, as much as you do when working with other businesses/people? Or I should say as much time as you spend on social media?!" - Jazzmyne Rain

I have really been struggling to be as motivated and fired up as I was pre-pandemic/post- masters. I really felt like I was such an adaptable person until I realize I was not... maybe only with small changes. I had a lot of rejections in Cambridge and honestly, as I type this I wonder if that's where my recent lack of confidence in myself has also come from.

Don't get me wrong, I'm confident... just not as much as I was in literally every aspect of my life!

Hence why I was totally feeling the xoJR post about re-doing ... well just about everything.

What better time than now? As I journey to 30.

I really just need to stop, breathe and start over! I sprinkled some vacation days throughout this month and rather than do NOTHING, I'll use to time to reset and work on things I've been neglecting... like my vision board for the next decade of my life.

Every time I reflect on the last two years (Nov. 2019- Nov. 2021), I'm surprised by how much has changed and how so many things AND PEOPLE have just stayed the same...

The mantra is

One day at a time...

Here's a pic of me from when I was in DC because it's cool.

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Jazzmyne Rain
Jazzmyne Rain
Nov 22, 2021

Don’t look back too much! Sometimes comparing yourself to the past can keep you at a standstill.

Thanks for the shoutout!!

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